170 - Kayleen Sanchez
Kayleen Sanchez is a creator focused on many different channels
Kayleen Sanchez is a creator focused on many different channels. She refers to herself as a “lover of green” and her workspace proves that. This is one of the most unique workspaces I’ve had the privilege of sharing and I hope you enjoy it!
Where can find Kayleen?
Twitter → twitter.com/acnh_kayleen
YouTube → youtube.com/c/KayleensCoffee
TikTok → tiktok.com/@kayleens_coffee
Twitch → twitch.tv/kayleens_coffee

What is your favorite item in your workspace?
My favorite item (other than my computer itself of course!) is definitely a tie between my Nintendo Switch OLED and my Akko World Tour London 5108S keyboard.
How do you spark creativity?
It’s all thanks to Animal Crossing! Designing interior spaces in the game gave me a huge itch to create something in real life and my desk/gaming space was perfect for that!
How do you keep the work-life balance?
This is something I seriously struggle with…especially since I work from home and so the lines between work and life blur. Something I like to do is to make sure I’m changing my clothes to loungewear/pjs right at 6pm just to mentally signal the work day is over! It’s so important to not let work trickle into downtime.