320 - Stephen Okonkwo

Stephen Okonkwo is a Product Designer from Nigeria

Stephen Okonkwo is a Product Designer from Nigeria currently working at HKW, a creative agency based in Spokane, Washington.

He is also a Design Contributor to Open Source Community Africa, a community aimed at creating and supporting the open source movement within Africa.

Outside of his design work, he is an avid reader and a part-time gamer.

Twitter → twitter.com/steveanthny
LinkedIn → linkedin.com/in/stephenokonkwo
Dribbble → dribbble.com/designgeeek

Inside Stephen's Workspace


What is the most useful item in your workspace?

I'll say a pen and paper. I like to write my thoughts down, especially when working so I don't forget. I also enjoy the old-fashioned style of sketching wireframes on paper.

How do you spark creativity?

I have a couple of artistic books, so I tend to glance through them whenever I can. I find out it helps when I'm dealing with a creative block. I also like to step away from the computer and take long walks or play video games.

How do you manage work-life balance?

Honestly, I struggle with this sometimes, as I tend to work round the clock a lot, but I'm a huge fan of the Pomodoro Technique, where I set about 1 to 2 hours of uninterrupted work time and take about 30 mins break. I find it helps me finish up work-related tasks faster and gives me more time to myself.

What is your favorite video game played in the past year?

This will be hard because I've played a lot of games in the past year and enjoyed them all, but I'll give it to God of War.
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