375 - Matthew Encina

Matthew Encina is a content creator, creative director, and educator from Los Angeles, CA

Matthew Encina is a creative professional with over 17 years of experience in design, advertising, speaking, and content creation.

He is currently the Founder & Creative Director of Mod Musings, a maker and media brand focused on creating engaging content and beautiful products.

We previously highlighted his workspace in edition #007 of Workspaces back when he was the Chief Content Officer at The Futur, A design education company.

Twitter (X) → twitter.com/matthewencina
Instagram → instagram.com/matthewencina
LinkedIn → linkedin.com/in/matthewencina
YouTube → youtube.com/matthewencina

Inside Matthew's Workspace

Workspace Items

For a detailed breakdown of items in each section of his workspace: modmusings.com/blog/mod-musings-studio-desk-setup

Espresso Bar

And of course, a full office walkthrough video: 

What is the most useful item in your workspace?

I'm not sure if it's the most useful, but my favorite item(s) in my workspace is my collection of custom mechanical keyboards, which rotate places onto my desk. They're fun to build, beautiful to look at, and sound and feel amazing to type on.

What does your typical daily routine look like?

6am - Wakeup,  make coffee, then get to work at home.

7am-12pm - Work on whatever project is the current priority. Since my energy is at its highest in the morning, I usually add in a workout to take breaks away from my desk.

12pm-1pm – Shower, eat and get ready for a second sprint of work my offsite studio.

2pm-7pm – Work at the studio. Usually, I'm shooting or editing, since the office looks gorgeous, bathed in sunlight, during this time.

7pm – head home, have dinner, relax, and am usually asleep by 10:30pm.

How do you spark creativity?


The best way for me to spark creativity is by starting work and building momentum. It's tough at first, and it's easier to procrastinate, but once you start peddling towards the goal of your project, the more creative you become on all of your projects.
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