407 - Matthew Suff

Matthew Suff is a graphic designer from the United Kingdom

Matthew Suff is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator from the United Kingdom.

Currently, the majority of his work is in branding or rebranding. While working with some larger clients, he is involved in the brand building and project rollout.

He was also behind the branding of one of the items highlighted below... so keep scrolling.

Twitter (X) → twitter.com/TheSuff
Behance → behance.net/thesuff

Inside Matthew's Workspace

Workspace Items



What is the most useful item in your workspace?

It’s cliché, but having an actual workspace, one that is set up just for using. Technology helps, but sometimes being able to just sit, listen to music and play with shapes really helps get the design flowing.

How do you spark creativity?

Always thinking about design, it’s amazing how subconsciously a brief will be playing in my mind. Listen, look and take in as much as possible. Some random signage, or an outfit, or even a beautiful architectural detail can lead you down a great rabbit hole. Try my best to take a picture or draw/write a note for later.

What does your typical day look like?

Sit down at the desk, pop on headphones, check-in with team based work. I have separate desktops set up for each application I use across the two displays. I find this allows me to focus on one program or project at a time, but can easily switch between, and have no need to sift through layers of applications. Usually using Illustrator as my default for ideas or concepts that strike during the day. Project rollout entails Photoshop magic and InDesign grids. Usual Slack & Monday to keep a track of it all.
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