421 - Silvia Sguotti

Silvia Sguotti is an independent Art Director, Designer, and Illustrator

Silvia Sguotti is currently working as an independent Art Director, Graphic Designer & Illustrator with a focus on brand identity and illustration projects.

She is curious, passionate, and strives for continuous evolution.

Ever since she was a kid, art has been what makes her tick. To this day, art is what moves her to explore and play around with new shapes and techniques to find solutions that are appealing and efficient.

Website → silviasguotti.design
Instagram → instagram.com/silviasguotti
Behance → behance.net/SilviaSguotti
LinkedIn → linkedin.com/in/silvia-sguotti-design

Silvia's Workspace Tour

Workspace Items



Books (some of)

Wall Gallery

What is the most useful item in your workspace?

I'm all about being practical, which is why the computer seems like the go-to choice. But truth be told, my sketchbook is where the magic happens. It's not just for drawing ideas, notes, and sticking stuff in—it's my secret weapon for when I hit a creative roadblock. Whenever I'm feeling frustrated or uninspired, I turn to my sketchbook and start doodling away. Those random lines and shapes somehow kickstart my imagination and get me back on track with my projects.

How do you spark creativity?

It's all about finding the right balance. I aim to keep moving forward and stay on track, but let's face it, some days that momentum is hard to come by.

When I hit those roadblocks, I've learned to give myself a break.I'll take 15 minutes to do something I enjoy, no work allowed.

Then, I'll set the mood with some calming lo-fi music, turn on my diffuser, brew a cup of tea, and dive into creating something beautiful.

It's amazing how much this simple routine helps me get back on track and into the flow of things!

What does your typical day look like?

I'm definitely more of a night owl, so I take it easy in the mornings :)

7:30 am - First alarm goes off.

8 am - Third alarm. Did I mention mornings aren't my thing?

8 am - 9 am - Finally out of bed! I start my day with a cup of coffee, a bit of meditation, and some creative time (nothing work-related, of course!).

9 am - 1 pm - I dive into my daily projects.

1 pm - 3 pm - Hit the gym or go for a run, followed by a shower and a much-needed meal because I'm usually starving by this time.

3 pm - 7 pm - Back to work for round two. It varies depending on the projects, but I always set aside at least 30 minutes to tackle emails, Slack messages, Discord notifications, and all the other platforms that demand attention

7 pm - I like to experiment with new recipes (I'm a bit of a foodie), unwind with some relaxation time, maybe watch a series or read a book, and then it's off to bed for me.
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