113 - Thor Schroeder

Thor Schroeder is a storyteller, environmentalist, minimalist, and remote work advocate located in the Pacific Northwest

Thor Schroeder is a storyteller, environmentalist, minimalist, and remote work advocate located in the Pacific Northwest.

He has a remote documentary series called The Gray Area where he explores the benefits and challenges remote workers face, mental health realities, and the humanity behind working remotely – told by remote workers from across the globe.

If video isn’t your thing, check out his weekly newsletter under the same name.

And if that wasn’t enough, he recently launched a Skillshare course about remote filmmaking called Remote Filmmaking: Plan, Produce, Edit, and Deliver Engaging Remote Films.

You can find him on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.



  • Notion - My second brain
  • Figma - design++
  • Todoist - todo list
  • Adobe Suite - Premiere Pro, After Effects, Lightroom

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