167 - Keli Callaghan
Keli Callaghan is the Head of Marketing at Algorand, a decentralized, scalable, and secure blockchain infrastructure

Keli Callaghan is the Head of Marketing at Algorand, a decentralized, scalable, and secure blockchain infrastructure.

My office was historically in a spare room, as I have always loved being in person with people and the collaboration of the office vibe. After covid, it was amped up a bit with a sit/stand desk, two awesome Benq monitors, a Plantronics square polycom, and some mics that I bring out if I am recording an interview for better sound.
However, I had a covid baby in the summer of 2021. The fun part about that is most people were still behind cameras at that time, so I didn't even have to tell anyone I was pregnant until about a month out.
It was a super busy time for my company, so I took only a few days off. The spare room / office then became the spare room / office / baby room. For about 2-4 months (it is a bit of a blur!), I was in here with a sleeping baby either on me or in this crib while I managed to work. Sometimes the camera was on, sometimes it was off! Looking back, I find it funny that I spoke to a lot of people while there was a weeks-old baby just out of view of the camera and they never knew. This was a true reminder of the importance of empathy and how we never know what someone else is dealing with just out of sight.
Other things you see:
- I have 4 kids in total, so always keep paper and crayons on a corner in case I have forgotten to lock the door and someone barges in.
- I'm not very good at keeping plants alive, but I am trying with the two you see here.
- This is where my backup Apple and mophie batteries are supposed to stay charged - but it is an ongoing battle.
My desk chair is my mom’s Herman Miller. They recently sold my childhood home and I inherited her old desk chair! It is probably 20+ years old, but still awesome.