186 - Kitze
Kitze is the founder of Sizzy, the browser for web developers
Kitze is a founder of Sizzy, the browser for web developers. He also founded React Academy, private and public on-site workshops all around the world for React and JavaScript.
He is also tinkering on multiple other projects including:
- Glink - Keep your users in the loop
- Twizzle - Desktop app for Twitter DMs and tweeting
- Lucky Retweet - Randomly pick winners for a RT contest
Give him a follow on Twitter → twitter.com/thekitze

- Elgato Stream Deck
- LG UltraGear 27GL850-B Monitor
- Magic Keyboard
- eXpress (Keyboard Platform)
- LG 38" UltraWide Monitor
- AmazonBasics Premium Single Monitor Stand
- Shure SM7B Microphone
- Rode PSA1 Professional Studio Boom Arm
And much more! Check out all of Kitze's gear here.
What is your favorite item in your workspace?
It's very hard to pick one, but I think I couldn't work without the eXpress Keyboard Platform
How do you spark creativity?
Lately I'm trying to spend a lot of time in silence, when I'm not on the computer. Usually I listened to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks, but creativity usually gets sparked from silence. When I'm working on the computer and I'm trying to focus, I block Spotify and I only use tools like Brain.fm or Noisli
How do you keep the work-life balance?
This is a bit of a loaded question. I'm trying to book at least 2 hours of "Fun" on my calendar, and I try to respect that every day. I think life is a bit pointless if we only work all day with a hope that we'll relax and have fun "one sunny day". I usually hopped out of bed, grabbed coffee, and went straight to my computer, but in the past year I've tried to increase the space between waking up and working. I started with 3 minutes, but now I have at least 3-4 hours where I'm doing my morning routine, workout, sauna, breakfast in silence, etc. I'm learning a hard lesson that it's not all about work and it's better to work a few focused hours while being healthy, instead of ruining my health by working all day. I'm planning to talk more about this on my YouTube channel this year.