317 - Hunter Hammonds

Hunter Hammonds is the Founder & CEO of Assembly

Hunter Hammonds is the Founder & CEO of Assembly.

Assembly builds and operates creator-led businesses like Off Menu, ViralCuts, Keyframe, Carousel, and more launching soon.

He is a serial founder that’s been building and running agencies for the past decade.

Twitter → twitter.com/_hunterhammonds

Inside Hunter's Workspace



What is the most useful item in your workspace?

I love the Analog from Ugmonk. It’s so basic, but has helped me build a strong routine of focusing on priority tasks, reviewing my day, and preparing for the next. Jeff was nice enough to send me a prototype of his new Weekly version, and I’ve been loving that too.

How do you spark creativity?

I’m most creative at 5am, with a cup of coffee, when the house is quiet. I try to do all of my deep work from 5am-8am. Listening to a song or album on repeat helps me get into a good flow state.

How do you manage work-life balance?

My wife just gave birth to a new son in April. I’m fortunate that both my wife and I are home and I’m able to take mini-breaks throughout the day to help out and hang with the little guy.  I’m a big fan of Rize for tracking my day and helping me stay focused. (disclosure, I’m an investor) Right now I’m putting in some pretty long work days as we scale our company, Assembly. When I’m not working, I make sure that I’m giving my family 100% of my attention.

What excites you most about working on Assembly?

We’re a company that builds companies. Everything is moving insanely fast. By nature of what we do, I’m always talking to influential creators, trying to understand their audience, and how we can build a business on top of it. The constant learning, idea exploration, and rapid business building is my obsession right now.

Our team is also growing really quickly and sense we’re remote, we’re hiring globally. Building at remote, global culture, especially at this pace, is quite the challenge. It’s been a fun thing to work on.
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