422 - Carlos Cuesta

Carlos Cuesta is a Front-End Engineer based in Barcelona

Carlos Cuesta codes, writes, and builds stuff on the internet.

He is currently a Lead Web Developer at N26, a mobile bank that is used by millions of customers across Europe. He previously worked at online grocery startup Ulabox.

Twitter (X) → x.com/crloscuesta
LinkedIn → linkedin.com/in/crloscuesta

Carlos' Workspace Tour

Workspace Items

Carlos occasionally updates his item list on his personal blog here.


  • Communication: Slack
  • Code editor: VSCode
  • Launcher: Raycast
  • Terminal: iTerm
  • Browser: Arc
  • Project management: Linear
  • Screenshots: CleanShot X
  • Window management: Rectangle (This is a must if you use an ultrawide screen)

What is the most useful item in your workspace?

Undoubtedly, the MacBook Pro is the most useful item in my workspace. It’s the brain that connects everything together and the machine I use to work and build things on a daily basis. It’s incredible how much you can achieve with such a compact device!

How do you spark creativity?

Typically by doing physical activities; either on the gym or taking an outdoor walk to get some fresh air! Both of them are a good way to break the focus allowing my brain to rest and generate space for random thoughts.

What does your typical day look like?

I usually wake up around 08:00, shortly after I enjoy a good bowl of oatmeal porridge packed with protein and then I head straight to the gym for my daily workout, I take a quick shower and then I focus on following my calendar. Whatever I have to do is there, usually blocks of deep work, meetings and rest!
Workspace inspiration coming to your inbox soon!
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