135 - Joey Banks

Joey Banks is a Senior Product Designer at Twitter, working on Design Systems.

Joey Banks is a Senior Product Designer at Twitter, working on Design Systems.

He also provides Figma training to designers at all levels through his new Baseline Design venture.

If you’re a longtime reader, Joey’s name may sound familiar. He was actually featured in edition number 35 (100 editions ago!) and has remained one of my favorite spaces that I’ve had the privilege of sharing.

The above 3D rendering was created by the incredibly talented, Vic (also previously featured on Workspaces). Let her know what you think!


Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases on some of the Amazon links that may be attached to the products above.


  • Figma
  • Notion for databases & Craft for notes
  • Things 3
  • Apple Music

Currently Reading: Inside Apple Park
Currently Listening to: The Bézier Podcast by Zach Grosser

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