114 - Aaron Poe

Aaron Poe is the Design Director of the Brand team at Square

Aaron Poe is the Design Director of the Brand team at Square. His other full time job is restoring his 1963 Eichler designed by A. Quincy Jones.

Since 2006, he has built and designed for great brands like Acorns, Beats, Clubhouse, Dorsia, Google, Nike, True Ventures, and many more.

Twitter → twitter.com/saysAaron
Dribbble → dribbble.com/aaronpoe
LinkedIn → linkedin.com/in/aaronpoe



  • Coda
  • Slack
  • Loom
  • Figma
  • Photoshop
  • After Effects (sometimes)
  • Gifski
  • Vectoraster
  • G-Suite
  • Duo
  • Apple Music

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