380 - Kaleigh Moore
Kaleigh Moore is a freelance content writer for eCommerce & SaaS companies
For the past 10 years, Kaleigh Moore has been a full-time writer working mostly in the ecommerce space.
She has also written for publications like Forbes, The Quality Edit, Vogue Business, and others. She recently announced The Writing Lab (the hub for all of her premium writing resources and trainings) and has sent out a newsletter 2x per month since 2015. It's a must-read if you're curious about improving your writing skills.
Twitter → twitter.com/kaleighf
Instagram → instagram.com/kaleighf
Inside Kaleigh's Workspace
Kaleigh was previously featured in edition #87 of Workspaces. This is her updated workspace.
What is the most useful item in your workspace?
I feel like my computer is the duh answer, so I'll go with the key lights behind it instead. I like to keep my office fairly dark and cozy, so having these lights I can flip on during video calls and podcast recordings means I get optimal light for that scenario, but only when I need it!
How do you spark creativity?
Music for sure. I work mostly to instrumental music during the day (words are too distracting!) and then a lot of Radiohead at low volumes if I'm working on a creative writing project, like the novel I'm back to working on at night.
What does your typical day look like?
It's always different, but right now it usually flows like this:
-Start work/check emails around 8:30 am
-Take care of any administrative tasks (building writing briefs/outlines, checking in with clients, etc.)
-Break for lunch and a dog walk
-A few hours of deep work in the afternoon
-Gym, yoga class, or go for a run to wind down the day
If you could only choose one... written word or podcast?
Written word, always and forever. Even though I've loved getting into podcasts and audiobooks this past year, there's something in me that loves a physical book in hand and reading at my own speed.
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